The sun has not set on the horizon when the evidence of a great storm were noted. Even the dogs sought shelter in a safe place. The streets were deserted in an instant. The kids that messed fronts of commercial houses or local homes that denounced a good point for some change scattered like smoke in the wind. Apparently Rubilota was the only creature who seemed indifferent to fear that had taken hold of the population of that prototype city. It was a city almost unknown to the rest of the country.

The rain began. While everyone tried to hide, seeking shelter as children fearing the dark, Rubilota took to the streets jumping like a monkey busy and grimacing like a lunatic. In fact, he had always been treated by the population as a lunatic. Was even hospitalized several times in the city's mental hospital, but, as was generally docile and playful, it was not enough to receive shock treatment, which was common, according to one of the employees of that establishment. For children, he served as a living toy. Whenever he passed where there was group of them, Rubilota had to dance the dance of the rope: two children, holding each one end of the rope, chasing him for a good path, with the rest of the gang behind shouting and laughing, and poor jumped lanky until the kids got tired. That happened a first casually, then turned usual. Whenever gathered more than three children, one of them soon sought somewhere a rope, hoping to make the party with the poor, if they find him. Children shyer were afraid of him. In these, the parents could instill fear of the creature through the threat of bad behavior, "Look, boy (or girl) if you disobey Daddy or Mommy, Rubilota come get you."

The city was an island surrounded by generous waters from a very famous river, which flowed into an ocean in whose waters could penetrate, from the local port, after two hours sailing in common boat. Delayed, but when Rubilota was angry, after knocked door to door asking for food and getting in the face buckets of water from housewives or pounces on his back from men, cursing the city and the residents, ensuring that the water would be too angry and would swallow everyone.

The more the big storm was manifested, more Rubilota rejoiced. They called the police quarter asking to arrest urgently the lunatic, as the inhabitants of the little city unanimously believe that Rubilota was responsible for the nature fury and believed that, at time he would be sedated, staying calm, the storm also would be calm down. The commander of the police even tried to run the desire of citizens, but the storm came with such vehemence that soon destroyed the pavilion where he was. The quarter had been built near the banks of the great river. And so this followed the fury of the waters, tearing down homes, barracks, government buildings (there were not in the city building with more than three floors) and all were standing, including a fortification of overlapping stones built at the time of the slaves and whose foundation of more than half of its area served as a breakwater. The rain broke down the back of every living or inert body and the river became the giant waves and destroyed from end to end of town. There is nothing left. Not anyone. Except Rubilota that, for unknown providence, was found on the beach of another town stretched naked with her buttocks exposed to the sun, digging, with his snoring old car, holes in the sand.

The testimony of one of the swimmers who took him to hospital was that the castaway was sleeping the peaceful sleep of a baby. As soon as he regained consciousness, Rubilota began to narrate the feat of nature in your town. Everyone pitied him. The story he told was immediately believed by listeners, because they also felt the shock of heavy rainfall in that period. He became a respected man by the local community and honored by writers, who saw in their narratives inspiration for new literary works. We do not know how, but the city simply disappeared from the map. Rubilota became the only historical document of its existence, while they gave him credit. So much so that a team of archaeologists came from another country to see if the city existed a day or not. At the end of arduous years of research, the finding: the city never existed. He ceased to Rubilota pampering. Irreproachable citizen and intellectual honored, now considered a demented, that why insisted that his city once existed. Scorned by friends and disbelieve by the boss, who worked as a proofreader of texts, Rubilota returned to streets shabby and clumsy. It was admitted to a clinic for the mentally ill and there died of boredom.

Two centuries after his death , on the banks of the largest river in the world , ruins were found a strong and some debris of a city that would have called Rubiland and would have drowned as a result of a tragic encounter between a storm and a tidal wave.
Father passed to son, as the old stories, the myth of the only survivor, Rubilota, seethed in modern press for a long time, but could not be proven scientifically because there was no record of his existence or in registry offices, or in police departments, or in hospitals, much less in asylums ... There was only reference, an ancient literary work, a whimsical character who would have survived a flood of great proportions. Rubilota now survives only in literature fantastic stories.
by Janete Santos
(tradução de Alessandra Mara e Kerlly Herênio)
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